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Thursday, June 2, 2011

HornWorms! Go Away!

Few days ago i got curious when i saw my tomato leaves got holes.. what's happening there? actually i noticed it few days earlier but since i didn't really care and i am not a real farmer so that i just took it for granted as normal *whoa* lol so that morning i turned the leaves around saw lots of ewww.. i only could say they're worms tiny with black horns eating comfortably! OMG! I couldn't accept this! i've taken care of those trees and now that sun of the bitch *oops* eating my babies!!! No way! with anger i picked the leaves with holes and worms on them crazily *screaming outloud while my hubby's swimming and he got curious what on earth his wife's doing, thinking she might be crazy because of him, perhaps lol*

My hubby was quite upset when he found out that worms too so he helped pinching on those worms! Let's have war baby! hahahah the next day he bought me some gloves so that i wont feel icky picking the hornworms and killed them with my fingers!
Now everyday i have to check whether they still come, and indeed 3-5 of them still dare coming waiting for me huh!!! sure if you wanna die!! lol

Monday, May 23, 2011

Me Happy!!!

All my plants grow well! so happy, got a green thumb huh! :-) now my beans are growing too.. asian basil too! what an effort.. my tomatoes also grow bigger! Cant wait for harvesting!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Welcome Baby Veggies :-)

So Happy Today! My baby veggies born and getting bigger and bigger everyday! Be good and healthy will ya! :-D

Sunday, May 1, 2011

New blooming

so far my rose is good, keep blooming my sexy rose

Marigold that I bought also keep giving me flowers :-)


Poor my Flowers! Hiks.. my Dahlia now seems gonna die.. the flowers that should be more than 5 seem not gonna bloom. Its because of the slug eating the leaves! I saw this morning when I was about watering my small garden but I noticed something's bad happen to the leaves. Holes are everywhere and I saw the slug happily walking on the soil. Huh! I shouldn't have moved Dahlia to the ground. I should have just kept it on the pot! hiks.. with anger i finally moved Dahlia back to the pot and searched some slugs that have been eating the leaves. As soon as i opened the leaves *they are quite thick so that i had to use my fingers to reach the stems inside, I killed the slugs! I feel my spirit of gardening vanished hiks!

some leaves that are eaten by slug
and some flowers gonna be are blackened :(

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Do you love tomatoes? I bet you do. But planting tomatoes?? hehehe not many people would love to. Here I am nothing to do but cooking and planting in FLORIDA.

These tomatoes I planted from seeds, I never realized they grow fast! and I have no idea now to transfer them into bigger individual pots! Hope it's not too late

They are growing faster from the seeds

Before starting the seeds, I was buying the small tomatoes trees. Now they are growing taller and got flowers already. Can't wait to see my tomatoes fruit soon!

Making more space

This is my hubby's idea for planting the tomatoes in the big bucket! It's his mom's experience and he said it worked. What you need to do just drill 8 holes below part and fill in with the wood chips first till half of the bucket. Then put the soil half and put the tomato tree that is getting taller n bigger so that they have more space for growing. Get more info about how to plant tomatoes, Open this

Dahlia Flowers

Getting more flowers experiment with Dahlia. I got pink one but few weeks after that the flowers died.

First time bought

Now some new flowers will be blooming. More than five I guess! Yay!! I wish i could divide it but the leaves are too thick so that I couldn't see the stem. Perhaps should wait a little bit more after all flowers bloom.

New flowers to be

1, 2, 3 more than 5 going to bloom

Wanna learn more about it, just read this link

Marigold flowers

If you are interested in planting this flower, you can read all about it here
As my own experience, I did plant this flower from seeds since it's a way cheaper but well you need to be patient to see it grows and blooms. Look at my pic below, I never thought I could make it grows as tall as it is now from the seeds! :-) and can't wait what color this would be. What a beginner :-)

Friday, April 22, 2011

Green Thumb

Have you ever planted flowers, trees, and few days after they died? It means you have to get your thumb painted green, Joking! So how do you make your thumb green? Learn to know about gardening just like I do now :-)

Well when I was a little girl, I only enjoyed having the garden at home colorful. I never helped my mom planting any plants :-) perhaps just watered them once in a while if my mood's good :-) but now I have to work on them seriously since I have the yard that I should take care plus I try planting some veggies to make my self busy in this new place, Florida.